Calling all students with vision and ambition! The National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) can help you make your life’s dreams real. Strive to be a member to make an impact, not just for yourself, but for your community and for the world.
Watch and learn why you’ll want to strive to be a member of NJHS!
Honor Your Future Now
NJHS membership is an outstanding opportunity to develop the habits and standards so important to success in high school, college, and a career. Think of it as making yourself #futuready. As an NJHS member, you’ll have exclusive access to robust tools and resources:
- College admission and financial aid planning options, including webinars and a mini-website called Honor Your Future Now, which you can browse by yourself or with your family for college preparation tips
- Help with financing your college education through the NJHS Outstanding Achievement Award, which each year recognizes 500 exceptional NJHS members who best reflect the values of membership with a $500 college savings award
- Service projects, both by the chapter and individual, allow you to build teamwork capabilities, hone project management aptitude, and make friends—all valuable life skills
- Leadership development, motivation, and inspiration gained through your own chapter’s work as well as three LEAD Conferences and NJHS State Summits held in select locations annually
How Can You Become a Member?
For starters, you’ll need strong grades. Once you have verified that your school has an active chapter, you must be in grades 6–9. (Students must be in their second semester of sixth grade for consideration. Ninth grade students are only eligible for inclusion in NJHS if they attend a middle level school. Ninth grade students in a traditional 9-12 high school are not eligible for NJHS membership.) You must also meet the school’s eligibility requirements to be invited to join. Check with your school’s main office to identify your chapter adviser. The adviser can then explain the process.
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