Most adviser training occurs on the job. Sometimes additional opportunities for training exist at the local, state, and national level. Check the following sources for adviser training in your area:

  • From the national office
    The National Honor Society and the National Junior Honor Society provide adviser workshops at each of the LEAD Conferences.
  • Your school district’s office of professional development
    District offices may provide training on basics such as fundraising, teamwork, and district policies and guidelines.
  • State Honor Society association
    Many states have their own state association that is affiliated with the national office. These associations often offer workshops and adviser training.
  • Local colleges, community colleges, and universities
    Although universities may not list “student activity adviser” as a major, many do provide programs and experiences that focus on developing leadership skills. This is one way advisers can learn effective ways to be leaders themselves so they can train their students to be leaders.

Don’t forget about your National Handbook

Perhaps your most essential tool for running your chapter is your National Handbook. The handbook includes detailed information pertaining to chapter operations.